No need to lease or expand out. A mezzanine with modular walls solved space needs for Winn-Marion in Colorado.

hneumann Blog

Winn-Marion Barber LLC (Centennial, CO) needed space to host customer training sessions without purchasing or leasing an additional facility. Western Storage and Handling (WSH) built a mezzanine with modular walls to solve space needs.

Mezzanine with Modular Walls, Mezzanine Modular Walls Winn-Marion Barber LLC, Centennial, CO, WSH, solve space needs, space needs, Western Storage and Handling

Mezzanine with Modular Walls, Mezzanine Modular Walls Winn-Marion Barber LLC, Centennial, CO, WSH, solve space needs, space needs, Western Storage and HandlingThe Client:

Harry Neumann and Jim Murray, from Western Storage & Handling, made a site visit to the customer’s facility to discuss the project.  “We sent them a packet on modular building design before we met. They then had a better idea of what they wanted when we met with them to do a walk-through,” says Neumann. “We found that designing a training room on top of the mezzanine platform would be the best solution for them.”

Upon finding out that the modular building would be used solely for training, Neumann and Murray proposed building a more classroom-like structure on the platform that incorporated Panel Built modular walls, HVAC units, sprinkler systems and electrical lighting and wiring.

Mezzanine with Modular Walls, Mezzanine Modular Walls Winn-Marion Barber LLC, Centennial, CO, WSH, solve space needs, space needs, Western Storage and Handling“They were a little hesitant at first,” says Neumann. “They really envisioned more traditional construction but they were really swayed by the modular nature of the proposal. The fact that it could be taken down, moved and reassembled appealed to them and we began to have more discussions about how this could work for them.”

Mezzanine with Modular Walls Build

This type of project was involved and complex. Not only did the mezzanine require helical support piers, the inclusion of modular walls, fire protection, HVAC, and electrical required Western Storage to hire subcontractors, pull permits and get clearance from the local building department and fire protection agencies all while working within the confines of an active and existing building.

Mezzanine with Modular Walls, Mezzanine Modular Walls Winn-Marion Barber LLC 	Centennial, CO 	WSH 	solve space needs 	space needs 	Western Storage and HandlingWe hired all of the subcontractors ourselves as well as a general contractor to act as the project manager,” Neumann said. “We had to hire a subcontractor to install the HVAC system, a subcontractor to install the sprinkler system, an electrician for the lighting system and wiring and a contractor for a wheelchair lift to meet the NADA code. We ended up working with five subcontractors on this job. We coordinate getting them all to work together, on the same schedule, to meet all the building code requirements, so our customer doesn’t have to worry about it.”

The final result was a prefabricated mezzanine system with concrete panel deck, 22-foot high modular walls, roof-top HVAC units, low-energy lighting and a wheelchair lift. The top of the mezzanine is used for training while the bottom is an enclosed controlled assembly area. Construction on the project took about three months.

The Result

Winn-Marion is so happy with the result that they have contracted Western Storage to build another modular building in a different part of the warehouse.

“This was a new client for us,” says Neumann. “By asking the right questions during our initial visit and walkthrough, we were able to determine exactly what the customer wanted and what the best solution was for them. It was a very collaborative, involved process and we are very proud of the end result.”

Contact us or call at 303-937-8376 for questions or assistance with your plans or projects.