Challenges don’t stop us. Customer satisfaction first. Storage & handling solution for Denver Metro Wastewater

hneumann Blog

The Client:

Denver Metro Wastewater, out of Denver CO, planned to build a brand new wastewater treatment facility in Brighton, Colorado. The Greenfield facility required an expansive array of equipment and the material handling expertise required to procure and install it in a timely and efficient manner. Western Storage and Handling built-in pallet rack systems.

 Storage & Handling Denver Metro Wastewater wastewater treatment facility Western Storage and Handling Storage and Handling built-in pallet rack systems pallet rack systems

New rows of pallet rack installed in Denver CO

The Build:

The construction company, Weitz Construction, put the project out for bid to nine area companies, including Denver, Colorado-based Western Storage and Handling.

 Storage & Handling Denver Metro Wastewater wastewater treatment facility Western Storage and Handling Storage and Handling built-in pallet rack systems pallet rack systems

New rows of cantilever rack units installed in Denver CO

“We are normally hired on a consultative basis so if the customer runs into a problem they ask Western Storage and Handling to help solve it,” says President Harry Neumann. “Weitz Construction was a strict bid to a list of specifications.”

That list of specifications was incredibly complex, asking for the sale and installation of products ranging from  –  wire spool storage carousels  –  fluid handling equipment  –  pallet racks  –  shelving with modular drawers  –  work benches  –  high density storage units  –  and steel cabinets.

Neumann says, “This was a complex bid. We worked with six or seven different suppliers to pull all of the equipment together and then coordinate the delivery to our facility in Denver.”

 Storage & Handling Denver Metro Wastewater wastewater treatment facility Western Storage and Handling Storage and Handling built-in pallet rack systems pallet rack systems

New rows of high density modular shelving units installed in Denver CO

“After we received the award, there was a time period to pull submittals together to provide the specifications of the equipment including colors available.” Neumann added, “We worked very closely with the contractor to make sure all of the specifications were exactly right and had Weitz sign off on each and every piece of equipment. Then we submitted an MOP to specify how Western Storage would deliver and install the equipment.”

Western Storage and Handling Installation:

When the warehouse was ready for Western to install the rack, they found a fresh challenge.

 Storage & Handling Denver Metro Wastewater wastewater treatment facility Western Storage and Handling Storage and Handling built-in pallet rack systems pallet rack systems

New rows of high density modular shelving units installed in Denver CO

“We delivered the pallet rack and found that the area where it was going to be installed was full of equipment for another project,” reports Neumann. “That didn’t stop us. We accommodated the customer by putting a couple of rows of rack up at a time. The equipment was then moved back onto the pallet rack so we could come back and install more rack.”

During installation, an on-site inspector was on-hand to witness the installation of each anchor on the pallet rack to verify the torque of each anchor.

 Storage & Handling Denver Metro Wastewater wastewater treatment facility Western Storage and Handling Storage and Handling built-in pallet rack systems pallet rack systems

New steel storage cabinets set up in Denver CO facility

Even with these unexpected challenges and stringent compliance requests, Western Storage took each with stride and was able to not only procure, store and install the equipment but also in a way that didn’t impede the rest of the building’s construction.

“This was a very unique project for us,” Neumann says. “The variety of products from  –  pallet rack –  to shelving  –  to cantilever rack  –  the wire carousel  –  the fluid handling system  –  and on and on. The variety of equipment involved was very unique and I’m proud of the work accomplished by the Western Storage and Handling Team to bring this project to completion.  Our end goal is to always satisfy the customer.”

Call us at (303) 937-8376 or contact us and we will be happy to provide consultation for your next project – big or small.