Case Study - Custom Solution For Frontiere Meats

Free-Standing Mechanical Vertical Lift

Company Name : Frontiere Meats

This Mechanical Freight Lift manufactured by Autoquip was recently installed in Denver, CO and what makes this unique is that it is completely FREE-STANDING. This 12′ x 8′  vertical lift had to be designed to fit and be contained within the existing concrete shaft, yet could not be bolted to the walls or undermine the current integrity of the structure.  Completely free-standing, bolted only to the foundation, this mechanical lift has a 12,000 lb weight capacity to move freight and inventory between floors.  The vertical gate minimizes OSHA clearance requirements vs a swinging or hinged gate entrance / exit.

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Autoquip VRC 1  Autoquip Mechanical Lift 2  Autoquip Mechanical Lift 1