Case Study - Custom Solution

Guardrails and Mezzigate

What’s a Mezzigate? A Mezzigate is a specialized 1-way-at-a-time safety access gate for loft-style mezzanines or storage platforms; and WSH has them! This Colorado Springs foods distributor had a back room storage area that was only accessible via a small employee entrance door directly to the outside parking lot. Large but narrow and completely inaccessible, this customer was “stuck” on ideas as to how they could utilize this space.  Our Colorado Springs Sales Manager saw the vision of being able to access it from another direction – through the wall of the warehouse facility!

By assisting the customer with the engineering and permitting process; a separate “dock door” was able to be cut through and added to the exiting wall. Safety guardrails were custom fabricated by Western Storage and Handling and incorporated a specialized 1-way-at-a-time safety access gate for loft-style mezzanines.  A perfect solution for product to be stored via forklift and for employees to be able to access the upper level – SAFELY!

Guardrail Mezzigate Guardrails